Participatory design process of a park in a residential area
Contribution of facilitation and workshops to the design project by Owen Griffiths and Nils Norman and for Owen Grifftih’s on going engagements in Trebanog, Wales.
This project is an expanded participatory process of design charrette. The following is a summary of how we worked on site as facilitators and how the framework was organised. It can be read both as a description of what happened and of a specific method that we put use.
The project mainly took place in two sites that are both important to the process in terms of the design but also as a way for residents in the neighbourhood to socialise and possibly organise on their own. First site is the piece of land to be designed, the other is an empty building, an unused space, put in use as community space – a type of place making. We facilitated both workshops and meetings all working creatively with the idea of shared or public space.
The idea is that instead of asking questions directly about people’s wishes for a design of a public space, we make a more slow process where many things can take place. The workshops we prepare are all focusing on cooperation and playful creativity.
We worked with groups of people of all ages and during a week of activities, we talked and played with over a hundred people. The process after the charrette is both consisting of actual design of the park but also a further participation and organisation of the space in the empty building (now put in use), which is going to be gradually more made by neighbours in the community.
Supported by Artes Mundi