In collaboration with Belén Droguett Sandoval, the Renaico culture house and the citizens of Renaico and Tolpán, Chile
Suelo Común is a process where we together with locals film and map the area they live in – its ecosystem, groups, identities and resources. This happens through a discussion about the struggles and oppression that people experience especially through the limited access to water and the various industries that come into the area, shaping its landscape.
During the project we establish two centres: One in the town of Renaico, where we, in collaboration with its culture house, formed a group that filmed, researched and discussed. The other centre is in Tolpán, a rural community outside of Renaico. Here we had several meetings about people’s situation, especially the challenge of acting together while living isolated to neighbours and other communities. Here we made an oven together with the neighbours for their community house. During this process, many connections came up. Toward the end the goal is to make the two centres meet in order to establish a link between the rural and urban situations, share struggles and hopefully over time be able to establish an organisational structure that can go beyond the different borders and separations of the landscape.